

NJK AUCTION 2023/03/04~05

Number of listings


Transaction volume

HK$ 202,233,111

The number of visitors

Contains event information. Contains event information. NJK UCTION holds diamonds in Hong Kong every March and September.

Contains event information. Contains event information. NJK AUCTION is a diamond auction held in Hong Kong every March and September. Exhibits thousands of products each time. The average trading volume is 1.5 billion yen. Utilizing NJK's unique know-how and network accumulated over 10 years since the event was first held, event information will be entered into hundreds of millions of top buyers from all over the world. Contains event information. You are participating. The reason why it is always so popular that there are lines is that experienced staff inspect each item for sale and handle only rare and high-quality items. There is no lie in the signboard that is the largest in the world. want to sell. I want to make a profit. Please check with your own eyes the overwhelming satisfaction that far exceeded the expected value. Event information will be included. Contains event information. NJK AUCTION is a diamond auction held in Hong Kong every March and September. Exhibits thousands of products each time. The average trading volume is 1.5 billion yen. Utilizing NJK's unique know-how and network accumulated over 10 years since the event was first held, event information will be entered into hundreds of millions of top buyers from all over the world. Contains event information. You are participating. The reason why it is always so popular that there are lines is that experienced staff inspect each item for sale and handle only rare and high-quality items. There is no lie in the signboard that is the largest in the world.

want to sell. I want to make a profit. Please check with your own eyes the overwhelming satisfaction that far exceeded the expected value. Event information will be included. Contains event information. NJK AUCTION is a diamond auction held in Hong Kong every March and September. Exhibits thousands of products each time. The average trading volume is 1.5 billion yen. Utilizing NJK's unique know-how and network accumulated over 10 years since the event was first held, event information will be entered into hundreds of millions of top buyers from all over the world. Contains event information. You are participating. The reason why it is always so popular that there are lines is that experienced staff inspect each item for sale and handle only rare and high-quality items. There is no lie in the signboard that is the largest in the world. want to sell. I want to make a profit. Please check with your own eyes the overwhelming satisfaction that far exceeded the expected value. Event information will be included. Contains event information.
